Reminder next week HS Football game is on Friday 9-27, and NOT 9-28 as originally scheduled. Game time for Friday is also now 7:30pm. Bus will leave Cuba at 1:30pm.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
There will be JV Football at 6:30 on Friday @ Valley. Varsity game is at 7:30.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
Attention parents! All middle and senior high school students and staff will be out of the building tomorrow morning from 9am to 11:15am to attend the homecoming pep assembly at Spoon River Valley High School.
over 5 years ago, CUSD #3, Fulton County
Just a reminder, the homecoming parade begins at 2:00 on Friday. Elementary school kids can be picked up anytime after 1:00. When picking up, please go directly to their classroom and sign them out.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Beaty
The Homecoming court will be recognized before the football game on Saturday. All members of the court should meet Mrs. Postin by the scoreboard at 12:45 pm.
over 5 years ago, LeAnn Postin
JH Football on 9/10 will only be a varsity game. NO JV. Game at 5:30 in Beardstown.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
Please join us for our 2nd annual Homecoming Kick-Off event on Saturday, September 7. The evening will begin with a Powder Puff football game at 6:00 pm followed by an Iron Man volleyball game in the gym. The Homecoming royalty will be announced between games. Admission is $1 for students/children, $2 for adults. Also, the following activities will be going on during the games: Art Club - face painting Junior Class - concessions Sophomore Class - raffle/bake sale Senior Class - pie in the face Bring your Homecoming spirit and join in the fun!
over 5 years ago, CUSD #3, Fulton County
There will be JV Football game at 6pm on Friday 9/6/19 prior to the varsity game at 7pm.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
Don't forget, Cuba schools will begin our regular 3pm dismissal schedule starting Tuesday, September 3rd.
over 5 years ago, CUSD #3, Fulton County
School pictures are this week. Tuesday,Sept. 3rd at the High School, and Wed, Sept. 4th at the elementary school.Students and staff will get their picture taken for the yearbook and school id's. Picture packets were sent home with students and are available in the school office.
over 5 years ago, CUSD #3, Fulton County
Golf match on Monday Sept. 2 is canceled.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
The Varsity Football game on Sept. 28th has been moved to Sept. 27th @ 7pm.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
There will NOT be a JV Football game on Friday Aug. 30 after the Varsity Game. Varsity game starts at 7pm at Cuba HS.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
The HS Volleyball game on 9/2 is now on 9/5.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
Join us for our 2nd annual Homecoming Kick-off on Saturday, September 7. The Powder Puff football game will begin at 6:00 pm on the baseball diamond followed by an Iron Man volleyball game in the gym. Royalty will also be announced. Admission: $1 for students; $2 for adults.
over 5 years ago, LeAnn Postin
To order Homecoming shirts, please go to the web address below, print and fill out the order form and return it to the high school with your payment by Friday, August 30.
over 5 years ago, LeAnn Postin
The HS Football Scrimmage will be Friday at 6:15pm at Cuba HS. All fall sport athletes will be announced proceeding the scrimmage game. Please bring $1 or a gatorade for admission.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
Reminder that the HSVB scrimmage will be at Cuba HS at 4:30 on Friday.
over 5 years ago, Elliott Craig
The Cuba High School Student Council is in need of Homecoming parade entries and convertibles for Friday, September 13 at 2:00 pm. Please contact the high school at 785-7122 if you or your organization is interested in participating.
over 5 years ago, LeAnn Postin
For all parents dropping your students off at the grade school, remember that students are to be dropped off and picked up at our north entrance. When dropping off and picking up students, please remember to stay in your car.
over 5 years ago, Kathy Beaty